XFS Adding Quotas - Skip Quota check on first mount/boot
We run a 14TB XFS fileserver on our cluster and want to add quota support. This is running 3.9.2-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 kernel under CentOS 6.3 (Final).
The issue is when we unmount the XFS RAID, and re-mount it adding quota support, the mount command hangs. Sever IS responsive and the XFS mount point is not accessible. Reverting our changes in /etc/fstab to remove the quota options does not have mount hang.
I suspect that upon re-mount, XFS is running a quota check on the 14TB RAID. My question is: how do I disable the initial quota check so it can mount it properly and have quota check run in the background?
/dev/sdb /w1 xfs defaults,noatime,usrquota,grpquota 1 2
Jun 6 11:37:43 nas-2-1 kernel: XFS (sdb): Mounting Filesystem
Jun 6 11:37:43 nas-2-1 kernel: XFS (sdb): Ending clean mount
Jun 6 11:37:43 nas-2-1 kernel: XFS (sdb): Quotacheck needed: Please wait.
I do not mind high CPU usage or slow performance while the mount point is active, but having it unavailable is not an option we would like stick with. I suspect running quota check on 14TB would take roughly a full work day.
If you use xfs, you will always have that problem:
(quotaon manpage)
"XFS filesystems are a special case - XFS considers quota information as
filesystem metadata and uses journaling to provide a higher level
guarantee of consistency. There are two components to the XFS disk
quota system: accounting and limit enforcement. XFS filesystems
require that quota accounting be turned on at mount time. It is
possible to enable and disable limit enforcement on an XFS filesystem
after quota accounting is already turned on. The default is to turn on
both accounting and enforcement."
Also , from xfs_quota manpage:
disable [ -gpu ] [ -v ]
Disables quota enforcement, while leaving quota accounting
active. The -v option (verbose) displays the state after the
operation has completed.
off [ -gpu ] [ -v ]
Permanently switches quota off for the filesystem identified by
the current path. **Quota can only be switched back on subse‐
quently by unmounting and then mounting again.**
As it has to get quota accounting up to date it will be checking the whole volume, 14Tbytes will take a long time.
One option is to disable limit enforcement but it will still need to check quota accounting and it might still take much time, if you want to try, don't mount it at boot time by setting the 'noauto' flag and then disable it from a shell.
I suppose that you are not wondering to change the filesystem type, what would allow you to manage quotas 'online' , or even creating an image (with xfsdump or xfscopy) of that volume, applying quotas to it once mounted and then, via rsync, update its contents with the one online, that would also work as a backup, but that second option would also take much time.
Sorry for the bad news, I hope someone may give you a better solution.