Do you use 'a man of effort'? [closed]

Solution 1:

There are a fair number of google book findings of the phrase a man of great effort and a man of effort, the former bieng more used. I cite but two and recognize it is not frequently used in AmE, but these 2 contemporary uses suggest it is not unknown in AmE.

How To Be A Loved And Respected Game Company President (Like Satoru Iwata) NY Film Academy 2015:

“He was a man of effort.” “Even though he didn't start out in the managing field, he read numerous management books, he would ask for advice ...


Ichiro keeps 'em Guessing about Future Sandusky Register 2019, an article about the Mariners left fielder Ichiro Suzuki:

"Yes, we are selling well because Ichiro is a man of effort," said Yu Takamiya, a vendor answering questions through his translator app.