Google Play store, Can no longer see Total Installs

Solution 1:

As on 13 January 2020, you can still see total downloads.

  1. Go to Statistics page in google play console.
  2. Then go to Users -> User acquisitions -> New Users enter image description here
  3. Select Metric calculation as cumulative enter image description here

Solution 2:

Unfortunately, the "total user installs" metric was removed from the Statistics page in the Google Play Console a while back.

There is still a pretty simple way to get the total install count though (but it is admittedly a bit annoying). You can export a report that has your installs per month across the lifetime of your app, and sum all those together to get the total.

  • Go to "Statistics" for your app from the Sidebar
  • Make a new report where your metric from the first dropdown is "Installs by User"
  • Change the interval to "Monthly", and set your date range to be "Lifetime"
  • Export the report as a CSV, open it up in some spreadsheet software and do a sum for all of your downloads

I wrote a blog post about it here

But I think a better way than that is to just write a tool which fetches all of your reports programatically from the Google Cloud Buckets so you can just click 1 button and generate any reports you might need. I talk about how I built mine here if you want to check it out.