How to configure a network printer in Ubuntu 14.04

I have 2 printers on a home WiFi network that are accessed by 2 desktops running Windows. I have a new laptop on which I am learning/trying Ubuntu 14.04. How do I configure things to access these printers from the laptop? There seems to be a lot of jargon that I don't understand or find confusing. Step-by-step instructions would be helpful.

Solution 1:

Network Printers are easy to setup

Open System Settings... from the Gear/Power button on top right corner of your desktop:

enter image description here

Click on Printers

enter image description here

Click on Add

enter image description here

Your Wi-Fi printers should show up under Network Printers. If they don't click on Find Network Printer and enter the IP address.

If you want to share your printer that is connected to Windows, use Windows Printer Via SAMBA.

For more help see the help on network printing with Ubuntu.

Solution 2:

If your printers are shared and can be used in windows, this should be easy.
Open Settings->Printers and press on Add.
In the window that opens, expand the option Network Printer (under Devices) and choose the option Windows Printer via SAMBA. New Printer window
You may see your printers listed here already. If so you can simply choose them. If not, then proceed.
Browse for your printer (by pressing "Browse") and that should be all.