How to enable RDP to a Server 2008 R2 on another network? VM network

I have a W2008 R2 installed on a different network (I am on 192.168.0.x - new server on 192.168.3.x)

I had trouble ping and RDP to it. I disabled the firewall to test the connection:

enter image description here

and that opened the ping feature

enter image description here

but I still can not RDP to that machine. the allow remote access is enabled

As per sinni80 idea - Here is the error message

enter image description here

enter image description here

The networks are divided by a Fortigate 60-B router - 2ndy interface for the gateway is (and pingable from all)

  • any to any rule on both networks is in place.

As per Joe Schmoe idea - I am able to RDP to from (which is on the same network)

Data to add: - The servers are on a VM host, each of the servers has 2 nics

  • one is DHCP enabled into the 192.168.0.x network
  • 2nd is static IP in the 192.168.3.x

-- Further information:

  • The network 192.168.0.x - are on a domain network (active Directory)
  • The network 192.168.3.x - are grouped in a workgroup

What should I check more please?

Did you check the Terminal Licenses in your Windows 2008 R2? They should be enabled.

Please check your VM Host network setting, host firewall/network(public/private/unknown) config may be the issue.

Please test with VM Host firewall turn-off (see PS).

There is a VMware KB related to this issue.

I also solved a very similar issue here. That is for ssh connection to a VM in a Windows host.

PS: Base on comment from Oliver Salzburg, this may not work as intended. I cannot confirm as I am remote from my server now.