Determining the favored penny on a chessboard

Solution 1:

What I'll do is that:

  1. I will decide with my friend that we map the board from top-left to bottom-right from 0 to 63
  2. I'll decide with him that we count only Tails (Heads also will work :-) )
  3. Now what we'll do is XoR between all the Tails and get a result
  4. Flip the coin that needed to fix the XoR to the wanted square - your penny

Example: lets say that there are tails only on 3,7,20,61 and the chosen sqare is 8: XoR on them {3,7,20,61} will be: 45. now what number XoR 45 will give us 8? 37!! I'll flip 37 :-)

that's it...