Force apache start after mysql

I have the problem that my apache2 doesn't start at boot. After debugging I found out that a webpage init script tried to connect to MySQL which isn't running at that time.

My OS is Ubuntu Server 10.04.4

apache2 boot is set up using update-rc.d apache2 defaults 21 which creates the scripts in /etc/rcX:

root@ser:~# find /etc/rc* -name *apache*

and calls /etc/init.d/apache2

mysql is getting started by Ubuntu's upstart:

root@ser:~# ls /etc/init | grep mysql

How can I force apache2 to start AFTER mysql?


Since I got already a few comments, here a clarification:

Apache is started as a sysvinit script under /etc/rc*.d/ whereas mysql is an upstart script under /etc/init/. Mysql isn't listed under /etc/rc*.d and thus I can't change the priority by changing the alphabetical order!

Solution 1:

To answer my own question:

Here is a quick and dirty way to block the apache script until mysqld is started:

Replace the two lines in /etc/init.d/apache2

 log_daemon_msg "Starting web server" "apache2"
 if $APACHE2CTL start; then


log_daemon_msg "Starting web server" "apache2"

# wait until mysql started
while [ "$WHILE_CNT" -le 60 ] ; do
        if [[ `service mysql status` == *running* ]]; then
        WHILE_CNT=`expr $WHILE_CNT + 1`;
   sleep 1

if $APACHE2CTL start; then

This checks every one second if mysql is running (maximum check time is 60 seconds).

But there should be a better way to defince dependencies between sysvinit and upstart services?!