Mount an ext3 partition in Windows, inside a Dynamic Disk?

I have a disk which has two partitions, one NTFS and one ext3. I've converted it to a dynamic disk inside Windows. It still can be read fine when booted under Linux (thanks to LDM support in the Linux kernel), however when booted under Windows, the ext2/ext3 driver ext2ifs no longer works. It cannot see the partitions inside the dynamic disk.

Is there a way to make ext2ifs work? If not, are there any other ext2/ext3 drivers compatible with Windows that I can try?

ext2ifs doesn't support inodes larger than 128.

Though I've never tried it, ext2fsd looks stable enough as far as people say.

If you are using Windows 7, you can use Ext2Explore.

It doesn't mount ext3 partitions but allows you to explore them. You can see and save files from your Linux partitions.