How to get Wifi working on Ubuntu 14.04 (Macbook Pro Retina 15 inch - 2014)

I just downloaded Ubuntu 14.04 on my Macbook Pro Retina 15 inch 2014 version using usb. My problem is I can't get the Wifi working. No wifi connections would display on the wifi menu. I've tried searching for solutions all over the internet, but I could only find one solution, and that was using the Ethernet cable and downloading external software. Problem is, I currently don't have an ethernet cable, nor do I have a port to connect the ethernet cable (I live in a dorm). Basically, I have no way to connect to ethernet cable, yet need the wifi. Is there any way I could download the wifi driver probably using sudo-apt get? Please help me out.

Thanks in advance.

You need to install dkms and bcmwl-kernel-source.

Without internet connection

Both are located on the Ubuntu installation medium (possibly in different versions as reflected in the file names):


Alternatively you can download the current versions:

  1. Ask your friends to have them download the .deb files of the newest versions of the packages dkms and bcmwl-kernel-source. Both links lead to a list with the current versions of the respective package at the top for the right release (Trusty) and the right architecture (amd64).

  2. Then copy these two files on your flash drive (1GB recommended).

Now, using the terminal, navigate to Desktop and type in this command:

sudo dpkg -i "drag one of the files here"

Then press enter. And click install if anything pops up. And you're done :)

With internet connection

If you can somehow establish a internet connection (e. g. through a wired ethernet connection), you just need to install those package normally:

sudo apt-get install dkms bcmwl-kernel-source

I have been endlessly trying to find the best solution of upgrading the Wi-Fi Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS drivers on my 2014 13.3" MacbookPro Retina and I have tried every possible solution - going onto different website and trying to install from the boot drive, or trying to get all kinds of files which would mimic the files described by the gentleman above.

The answer for all latest MacBook Pros(after 2014 december) is to follow the instructions above(many thanks), but make sure you downloads the LATEST version. I have used previous versions of the driver - and they failed.

dkms bcmwl-kernel-source

So, if you want to save about 4 hours of searching, then download the latest drivers and

sudo dpkg -i /filepath(drag and drop works as well)

Now you are good to go. Many thanks to the first publisher of the solution. It is his merit, but I just wanted to highlight the importance of his answer, as I was on the verge of abandoning Ubuntu and shifting to Mint after 4 hours of trying :) ( don't know why his answer was not highly rated)

Best of luck!