How can I say that someone's a perfect example of being able to perform a certain skill?

For example, Mao Asada is representative of triple axel.

Which is to say that she's a perfect example of someone who can perform a triple axel. Does it make sense to use: representative of (skill), being the epitome of (skill)? Byword perhaps? I know byword is used with a quality, for example "In Hollywood's golden era,"Betty" was a byword for glamour." how can I express the same talking about a skill?

I think 3 options are exemplar, paradigm, and paragon:

exemplar: A typical or good example of something: It is an exemplar of a house of the period

paradigm: A very clear or typical example used as a model: His ruthless accumulation of wealth stands as a paradigm of greed in the business world.

paragon: A person or thing that is perfect or has a large amount of a particularly good characteristic: A paragon of virtue

I don't think paradigm is typically used to reference a person, so you might be better off using one of the other two:

Mao Asada is an exemplar of the triple axle.


Mao Asada is a paragon of the triple axle.