If using maven, usually you put log4j.properties under java or resources?

Where should I put the log4j.properties file when using the conventional Maven directories?

src/main/resources is the "standard placement" for this.

Update: The above answers the question, but its not the best solution. Check out the other answers and the comments on this ... you would probably not shipping your own logging properties with the jar but instead leave it to the client (for example app-server, stage environment, etc) to configure the desired logging. Thus, putting it in src/test/resources is my preferred solution.

Note: Speaking of leaving the concrete log config to the client/user, you should consider replacing log4j with slf4j in your app.

Just putting it in src/main/resources will bundle it inside the artifact. E.g. if your artifact is a JAR, you will have the log4j.properties file inside it, losing its initial point of making logging configurable.

I usually put it in src/main/resources, and set it to be output to target like so:


Additionally, in order for log4j to actually see it, you have to add the output directory to the class path. If your artifact is an executable JAR, you probably used the maven-assembly-plugin to create it. Inside that plugin, you can add the current folder of the JAR to the class path by adding a Class-Path manifest entry like so:

            <id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
            <phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->

Now the log4j.properties file will be right next to your JAR file, independently configurable.

To run your application directly from Eclipse, add the resources directory to your classpath in your run configuration: Run->Run Configurations...->Java Application->New select the Classpath tab, select Advanced and browse to your src/resources directory.

Some "data mining" accounts for that src/main/resources is the typical place.

Results on Google Code Search:

  • src/main/resources/log4j.properties: 4877
  • src/main/java/log4j.properties: 215

The resources used for initializing the project are preferably put in src/main/resources folder. To enable loading of these resources during the build, one can simply add entries in the pom.xml in maven project as a build resource


Other .properties files can also be kept in this folder used for initialization. Filtering is set true if you want to have some variables in the properties files of resources folder and populate them from the profile filters properties files, which are kept in src/main/filters which is set as profiles but it is a different use case altogether. For now, you can ignore them.

This is a great resource maven resource plugins, it's useful, just browse through other sections too.

When putting resource files in another location is not the best solution you can use:


For example when resources files (e.g. jaxb.properties) goes deep inside packages along with Java classes.