Equivalent Proverb in English

There is a proverb in Urdu, "Bacha bola nahi bola nahi muh khola to Amma maro Bawa maro bola".

This could be translated as, the kid never spoke, but when he did, (to his concerned parents shock) he said, may my father die, may my mother die.

Is there any similar proverb in English?


Solution 1:

I think the sentiment is simply

Be careful what you wish for.

(David M changed his mind about this.)

From UsingEnglish.com:

What does 'Be careful what you wish for' mean?

If you get things that you desire, there may be unforeseen and unpleasant consequences.

('Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true.' and 'Be careful what you wish for; you may receive it.' are also used.)