What is the word for a person who destroys monuments?

I was able to find the following:

Antivitruvian (adj): Taking pleasure in destroying architectural monuments.

From "Insulting English" by Peter Novobatzky and Ammon Shea, page 12.

Could you perhaps mean iconoclast? Historically, this means a person who destroys images in religious buildings because they see them as idols. The meaning has been extended to include people who attack (physically or otherwise) respected objects or cherished beliefs.

There is Petracide which is the destruction of ancient stone buildings or monuments (but not necessarily the vandalising of them).

From The Wordsworth Book of Intriguing Words (P. Hellweg, 1986)


A vandal is someone who willfully or ignorantly destroys, damages, or defaces property belonging to another or to the public.

Pretty sure "iconoclast" is the only applicable word.

It's possible to cobble together any word you want, in English, by sticking Greek or Latin roots together. Sometimes people do that for amusement purposes. Is that what your book was? If there were a generally-used word for that, it surely wouldn't be so hard to find!

Besides Ambrose Bierce's, "The Meaning Of Liff" is another one of those comedy dictionaries from the early 1980s. Douglas Adams wrote it. It gives place names in the UK funny definitions as if they were real words. It was popular back then, maybe that's what you're remembering?