In Vim/Vi, how do you move the cursor to the end of the previous word?

In Vim's normal mode:

  • e goes to the end of the next word
  • w goes to the beginning of the next word
  • b goes to the beginning of the previous word

How do you move the cursor to the end of the previous word?

Solution 1:

Unfortunately it's not a single key... but ge is what you're looking for, I think.

Solution 2:

Try ge:

ge                      Backward to the end of word [count] |inclusive|.

gE                      Backward to the end of WORD [count] |inclusive|.

Solution 3:

as seen on VIM manual (section 03.1), you can use ge to go to the end of previous word

Solution 4:

You may also want to do these to go to the space preceding a word (one character after ge: (both are only 2 keys)

  1. FSpace will take you to the space after the previous word
  2. Bh will also do that, in most cases.

The exception is when you are at the beginning of a line, in which case

  1. k$ does something similar, in 3 keypresses