How do I install ntfs-3g (ntfsprogs) manually on Ubuntu?

Recently I wanted to fix one of my SATA Hard Disks that had a damaged NTFS file system. For this, I referred to this question: Ubuntu 13.04 is unable to mount a disk drive from ex-windows system in which a tool called ntfsprogs is installed in Ubuntu.

As I did not encounter the package ntfsprogs on the Ubuntu Software Center even after running sudo apt-get update, how can I get it?

Solution 1:

The ntfsprogs package was renamed to ntfs-3g in Ubuntu 13.04. Hence, from Ubuntu 13.04 onwards, one would use:

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

However, this package lags a bit behind the latest version. Hence one may wish to compile from source to get the latest version.
As of August 19, 2014, the latest version on the website is 2014.2.15, released on February 23, 2014, and the latest version on Ubuntu 14.04 is 2013.1.13AR.1-2ubuntu2.

To compile from source:

Answered by OP as part of question, as a tutorial.

This is a guide on how to do so...

  1. Right now the ntfs-3g (ntfsprogs) package can be downloaded from:
  2. Once downloaded, unzip the archive and cd into the directory into which you unzipped it into.
  3. Run the ./configure command.
  4. After the process completes, type make and hit return.

After following the above mentioned steps, you are free to use the ntfsfix function to repair your broken NTFS file systems.