JSON encoding wrongly escaped (Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2)

In my controller, the following works (prints "oké")

puts obj.inspect

But this doesn't (renders "ok\u00e9")

render :json => obj

Apparently the to_json method escapes unicode characters. Is there an option to prevent this?

To set the \uXXXX codes back to utf-8:

json_string.gsub!(/\\u([0-9a-z]{4})/) {|s| [$1.to_i(16)].pack("U")}

You can prevent it by monkey patching the method mentioned by muu is too short. Put the following into config/initializers/patches.rb (or similar file used for patching stuff) and restart your rails process for the change to take affect.

module ActiveSupport::JSON::Encoding
  class << self
    def escape(string)
      if string.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
        string = string.encode(::Encoding::UTF_8, :undef => :replace).force_encoding(::Encoding::BINARY)
      json = string.gsub(escape_regex) { |s| ESCAPED_CHARS[s] }
      json = %("#{json}")
      json.force_encoding(::Encoding::UTF_8) if json.respond_to?(:force_encoding)

Be adviced that there's no guarantee that the patch will work with future versions of ActiveSupport. The version used when writing this post is 3.1.3.