Struts2 vs Spring 3 [closed]

Solution 1:

Struts2 is really WebWork 2 renamed as Struts2. Consider for a moment the fact that Struts essentially leveraged its own brand name to adopt WebWork as its new base, and that should suggest to you that there was at least some who felt it was very compelling -- one doesn't always throw out their own code base to start anew when they issue a sequel.

That said, I'm not going to tell you that Struts2 is better/worse than Spring 3 MVC. Bottom line is that they are definitely comparable.

If you want more details on how they compare, I suggest you check out Matt Raible's presentations in years past on this topic:

including a spreadsheet that compares several of them on various degrees:

Solution 2:

Well Both Struts2 and Spring3 are very much similar in many respects.Both are action oriented framework and much same in the flow.Spring MVC came out due to all known limitations of Struts1. but when you come to choose Struts2 vs Spring3 MVC there is not much you can differentiate and both are well designed and good framework. for Struts2 as its webwork based framework but with lots of improvements over major advantage is UI tags support for Struts2 regarding spring3 mvc its equally good and powerfull positive side is its well and very deep integration with Spring framework.

We are using Struts2 with Spring DI and transcation management in our few projects and in some using Spring MVC. it only matters you choice and your brand inclination.


In my opinion its not a good practice to compare like designed framework,better come up with your requirements what exactly are the requirements of your project than do a analysis which framework provides best and very similar requirements as per your needs rather than doing a plain comparasion