What is the turn length in Civilization?

Solution 1:

In the original Civilization, the years per turn breaks down in the following way:

  • 4000 BC - 1000 AD: 20 years per turn (total of 250 turns)
  • 1000 AD - 1500 AD: 10 years per turn (total of 50 turns)
  • 1500 AD - 1750 AD: 5 years per turn (total of 50 turns)
  • 1750 AD - 1850 AD: 2 years per turn (total of 50 turns)
  • 1850 AD - End of game: 1 year per turn (total of 170 to 250 turns)

I believe that turns count for fewer years as the game progresses to simulate the accelerating technological progress of civilization - it takes us less real-world time in the modern era to make larger leaps forward than it did in previous historical eras.

The game ends in a different year depending on the difficulty setting:

  • Chieftan - 2100 AD (total of 650 turns)
  • Warlord - 2080 AD (total of 630 turns)
  • Prince - 2060 AD (total of 610 turns)
  • King - 2040 AD (total of 590 turns)
  • Emperor - 2020 AD (total of 570 turns)

Essentially, the easier the difficulty level, the more turns you have to finish the game.