Compressed archive in Lion creates a root-level "Archive" folder in .zip file

The resulting does not contain a root level folder name "Archive". It's only when you uncompress it by double-clicking that this folder is created. To confirm, try unzip -tv So it's Archive Utility that is creating this folder when you uncompress.

EDIT: The process that you are talking about would appear to be new, since I know it worked as I described it in the last 2 years. So I'm guessing it changed either in Lion or Snow Leopard, Lion if I were to hazard a guess.

I don't have a workaround as yet but I have replicated that functionality. ~~~~~~~~~~~

The built in Compress feature will add All Folders and Files from the selection downwards, including the first selected item, even it it is a folder.

Two options:

  1. Don't use the built in functionality and use a 3rd party archiving tool that has more control
  2. Select the five files inside the folder (but not the folder itself), then ctrl+click (right click) and then select Compress

I have some software loaded on sites where they upload a zip file. The software unzips the individual files to its generated directory and points the image compression and resizing to that new directory. It worked great till recently when all of a sudden when we compressed files the zip extracted to an archive folder on the server, the software doesn't work on folders it works on image files. I tried everything and numerous archive apps, I then tried Hamster Archiver. It worked for me, no more does it extract to a new folder. It might help you. Good luck