Remove element from Array of Arrays

I have a array of arrays like the following:

myArray = [
  ["ooooh", "that"],
  ["dog ", "of"],
  ["mine", "word...."]

I now wish to delete the array item: ["ooooh", "that"]

Assuming that I know element 0 is "ooooh" and element 1 is "that", but i do not know the element's position within the enclosing array, can this be achieved efficiently?

The general responses from my research seem to be saying delete myArray['1'], or know the number of the element in the array- in my case in need both element 0 & 1 to match for removal.

In pseudo code i would like:

myArray.destroy(["ooooh", "that"])

How can this be achieved?

You can use splice to remove an item out of the list.

   myList.findIndex( item => 
     item[0] == "ooooh" && item[1] == "that"

Hope this helps :>

myList = [
["ooooh", "that"],
["dog ", "of"],
["mine", "word...."]];

myList.splice(myList.findIndex(item => item[0] == "ooooh" && item[1] == "that"), 1);


Well there are several ways of doing this as the other answers pointed out, but I think the simplest way is to use filter. Like this::

myList = [
    ["ooooh", "that"],
    ["dog ", "of"],
    ["mine", "word"]
myList = myList.filter((element)=>
    //filter condition 
       ((element[0] == 'ooooh') && (element[1] == 'that'))


Just filter your array

var myList = [
["ooooh", "that"],
["dog ", "of"],
["mine", "word...."]

deleteFromList = (val, list) => list.filter(a=>JSON.stringify(a)!=JSON.stringify(val))

  deleteFromList(["ooooh", "that"], myList)

/* Same as */

myList = myList.filter(a=>JSON.stringify(a)!=JSON.stringify(["ooooh", "that"]))


You can use the filter function comparing arrays as strings

myList = [
  ["ooooh", "that"],
  ["dog ", "of"],
  ["mine", "word...."]

let findMe = ["ooooh", "that"]

myList = myList.filter((curr) => curr.join() !== findMe.join())
