Is there a word for the visual appearance of a word only?

I'm looking for a word to refer to the visual appearance of a word only. I'll use an example to help explain what I mean:

"bow" can refer to the action of bowing to someone, or to a bow that I add when wrapping a gift. "bow" and "bow" are homographs because they are spelled the same way, though they have different meanings and pronunciations, and we consider them two different words.

Then, define a "qword" as an ordered set of letters (and diacritical marks) combined according to the conventions of English.

"bow" and "bow" are two different words, but the same qword, since they are both "b", "o", and "w" combined in the same way and in the same order.

And "résumé" and "resume" are different qwords since they appear differently in written English, though people often write "resume" when they mean "résumé", and we have no trouble understanding what they mean.

Is there an existing English noun that means the same thing as "qword"? If there is none, a compound word or phrase would also be fine.

bow is a "string", to start with.

We are looking at "meaningful strings" in the context of the English language.

A "meaningful string" can have more than one meaning.

To be precise we could say a "meaningful character string".