Can I use "parallel myriad" in a sentence and would that be an oxymoron? [closed]

The sentance is:

Task: Add two APIs to the ESB.

Info: Parallel Myriad task which involves all seven systems to work together and deliver this.

Solution 1:

If your myriad tasks are in two different universes, environments or states then yes, why not?

Can not a colony of ants perform a myriad of tasks in their anthill whilst a colony of bees perform a myriad of tasks in their hive next door?

But if you are speaking of only one environment - then no, I would say it is tautology. And also - myriad implies more a miasma whereas parallel implies 2 things in lines.

If by saying ‘parallel’ you are wanting to convey the idea that everything is going on at the same time, then I would use ‘simultaneous myriad’ rather than ‘parallel’. Or, ‘universal myriad’ to mean ‘it’s all going on at once!’

I surmise that you are referring to a myriad of tasks in your question.