I've managed to resolve this by using TabHost in fragment.

Here is the idea (briefly):

  1. MainFragmentActivity extends FragmentActivity (from support library) and has MapFragment.

  2. MyMapActivity extends MapActivity and contain MapView.

  3. LocalActivityManagerFragment hosts LocalActivityManager

  4. MapFragment extends LocalActivityManagerFragment.

  5. And LocalActivityManager contains MyMapActivity activity in it.

Example implementation: https://github.com/inazaruk/map-fragment.

enter image description here

As discussed at Google Groups, Peter Doyle built a custom compatibility library supporting Google Maps too. android-support-v4-googlemaps

However, there's a downside too:

Currently, one downside is that ALL classes extending FragmentActivity are MapActivitys. Its possible to make a separate class (i.e. FragmentMapActivity), but it requires some refactoring of the FragmentActivity code.