Is there another word for a "Correct Prediction" or "Correct Answer"?

This word probably doesn't exist, at least I can't think of anything that would possibly fit,

I'm making a leaderboard for a little game where I'm having my players guess (or potentially knowingly choose) answers

It'd look like:

enter image description here or enter image description here

But I don't like having 2 words in the header there, and I also want to be a little fun.

For example, in this question: What is a word for 'answered correctly'?

there was an answer: "Nailed"

so maybe "Nails" would work, and would be funny, but it may be a little too cryptic

I've tried looking at synonyms for "Predictions", but no word also implies correctness

I've tried looking at synonyms for "Correct", but couldn't find anything that also covers predictions/answers

Solution 1:

As a single word for correct answers, you can use accuracy:

1 : freedom from mistake or error : CORRECTNESS
// checked the novel for historical accuracy

Since it's countable, you can use the plural in your chart:

Player     Accuracies
Joe         7
Jane       10
Bob         3

The use of the word is a little unusual in this context; nonetheless, it's still . . . accurate. (And it might meet your requirement of wanting it to be "a little fun.")

Solution 2:

If you are open to metaphors, consider bullseye:

1.2 Used to refer to something that achieves exactly the intended effect.
‘the silence told him he'd scored a bullseye