Where is the documentation for the Google Suggest API? [closed]

Is there any official documentation on the Google Suggest API?

All my searches for the Google suggest API show pages with either outdated info or non-working scripts.

For example, at google.com, as soon as you type in "app", Google suggests Apple, Applebees, etc.

Solution 1:

As you can imagine, it's changed.

The newer URL is now http://clients1.google.com/complete/search?hl=en&output=toolbar&q=YOURSEARCHTERM

Or even more recent: http://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&hl=en&q=YOURSEARCHTERM

Solution 2:

Summary of working examples:

From this question working example:


From this question working example:


From mhawksey comment above working example:


Here client=chrome can be changed to other browser client. For example for Firefox it will look like:


From mahoor13 comment above working example:


From dhiraj-pandey answer "if you want country specific suggests, you need to add &gl= in the url". That only works with links for toolbar!

So for example working country specific example for India will be:


To separate words use %20 or + between them. For example:




Also from here it possible to get two suggestions with YQL (first sugestion chuck norris, second steven seagal):

select * from xml where url in (

Using above code gives:


Some info from google about suggestions: http://www.google.com/support/enterprise/static/gsa/docs/admin/70/gsa_doc_set/xml_reference/query_suggestion.html

Solution 3:

Try http://google.com/complete/search?output=json&q=YOURSEARCHEDTERM or for XML output http://google.com/complete/search?output=toolbar&q=YOURSEARCHEDTERM


I also found very interensting tool which use the Google Search API and it is based on Python and Flask ubersuggest and keysuggest's Googlealphabet soup method tool.