If "X is a dependency of Y" then "Y is a ??? of X" [duplicate]

"X is a dependency of Y" means that Y depends on X (i.e. we have to import Y in X's source code).

Is there a word that fits in "Y is a ??? of X", meaning X uses Y?

Solution 1:

"Dependent" is the general term but it's uncommon to say things like "X is a dependent of Y". Usually you would say "X is dependent on Y", or "X has a dependency on Y" or as you write the question "X depends on Y". The only time I can think of where I might use the term 'dependent' in this context is if I wanted to provide a list of things that depend on something I might label it: 'dependents'.

Solution 2:

"User" would be fine in the case of classes or libraries. "Client" in the case of services and APIs. The generic term is "dependee", but that sounds stilted and I wouldn't use it.