What's the status of Scala.React? [closed]

I just read Deprecating the Observer Pattern and found it absolutely fascinating.

What's the status of the Scala.React package described in the document? I found one tarball of a snapshot of Scala.React but there doesn't seem to be much documentation or active maintenance. I also found ScalaFX, which looks like it might be related to reactive programming, but is similarly unmaintained.

Are there any projects out there that build on the ideas in this paper to create a GUI framework based on reactives?

Solution 1:

UPDATED: As William Harvey points out below, there is recent progress!

Like you, I have an intense interest in the project, so I creep these pages every few weeks. :)





Solution 2:

Good news! It looks like Ingo Maier and Martin Odersky published a new technical report this year (2012) with some updates to Scala.React. The new code has been available on GitHub for about two weeks.

Relevant links:

Technical Report (2012): http://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/176887

GitHub: https://github.com/ingoem/scala-react

Solution 3:

Some similar projects:

  • http://github.com/nafg/reactive
  • https://github.com/lihaoyi/scala.rx
  • https://github.com/stefan-hoeck/dire
  • https://github.com/Netflix/RxJava (in Java but has scala bindings)

Solution 4:

The only project that I currently know of is Naftoli Gugenheim's reactive web project, which he announced in this thread on the scala mailing list. The code is hosted at http://github.com/nafg/reactive