noble - can it be split into morphemes?

Can I split noble into nob + the suffix -le?

-le is found in other adjectives such as little, brittle, fickle

nob is found in noble, nobleman, nobleness, nobler, noblesse, noblest, nobly. But pretty much all of these contain 'noble', so maybe noble is the root morpheme?

Note: 'nob' on its own is apparently a slang word for a rich person. So it carries a similar meaning as a noun. Except it's British and informal?


Solution 1:

The morphemes (in Latin) are nō– (earlier gnō–), which is a cognate of English know, and –bil–, which appears in many English words as –ble (usually after a or i of a verb stem). The nobles are those whom most people ought to know.