Solution 1:

check with either:

ps -edaf | grep mongo | grep -v grep  # "ps" flags may differ on your OS


/etc/init.d/mongodb status     # for MongoDB version < 2.6

/etc/init.d/mongod status      # for MongoDB version >= 2.6


service mongodb status         # for MongoDB version < 2.6

service mongod status          # for MongoDB version >= 2.6

to see if mongod is running (you need to be root to do this, or prefix everything with sudo). Please note that the 'grep' command will always also show up as a separate process.

Check the log file /var/log/mongo/mongo.log to see if there are any problems reported.

Solution 2:

I find:

ps -ax | grep mongo

To be a lot more consistent. The value returned can be used to detect how many instances of mongod there are running

Solution 3:

For quickly checking if mongodb is running, this quick nc trick will let you know.

nc -zvv localhost 27017

The above command assumes that you are running it on the default port on localhost.

For auto-starting it, you might want to look at this thread.

Solution 4:

this should work fine...

pgrep mongod