I have been saying this for years, I think. I also thought I had heard it used before. However, today I used it in a sentence, and my spell checker under lined it.

The sentence(fragment) I wrote was:

"and this idea was recepted fairly well."

I did a Google search and found "recept" is a word:


which does sort of align with my intent of usage.

Then there is "receptacle": https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/receptacle

and "reception": https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/reception

I also found "receipted" as a suggestion that may sort of correlate with my usage.

Has anyone else ever used, or heard "recepted"?

Oh, and PS, my voice to text recognized and wrote the word as such.

If you wish to use recept as a verb, you’re a bit late to the party:

Where it is said, that whosoever shall recept the thing stoln willingly and knowingly, he shall be punished as the principal thief; and from this it may be concluded, that recept with us, is properly, when the thing stoln is recepted, and not when the stealer without the theft is receipted; for to as the recepting of the thief, it appears only to be punishable, when letters of intercommuning are published, prohibiting all the leidges to recept or fortifie a malefactor, … — Sir George Mackenzie, The Laws and Customes of Scotland, 1678. EEBO

This usage survived into the 19th c., but today is obsolete: receive is the verb you want. Just as you might conceive of something and produce a concept, you do not *concept a better mousetrap.

Even the noun has undergone changes over the years:

We should at the ministracion and recept of the sacrament, haue good natural bread: but in stede thereof, we haue printed waifers, and suche starched stuffe, as is not pure &; perfecte bread, nor lyke vnto that whych was vsed in the eating of the Lordes holy supper at the first. — John Ponet, Humble and Unfained Confession, 1554. EEBO

Army Medical Department, 7 Nov. 1829.
Sir — I have the honour to acknowledge the recept of your note of the 30th October … — Sydney Monitor, 13 Aug. 1831.

We have just been shown a recept for curing chronic, sore eyes, which is the result of a long and close study of a very distinguished physician lately from Scotland. — Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield IL), 6 Sept. 1858.

Today, it would be reception of the Sacrament, receipt of a letter, and a prescription for curing sore eyes. Since the 1580s, the earlier alternative to recept was recipe, from Middle French récipé, from Latin recipe, ‘take!’, surviving today only in the abbreviation ℞ at a pharmacy.