"The contents are" or "the contents is"

I have the following sentence:

The contents of those zip files are normally installed from the Setup.

I found I have to use contents instead of content in the sentence. However, do I have to use the contents are or the contents is? I guess it's "are", but it just sounds wrong. (I am a French speaker, and "contenu" is never plural in French, so that might explain why I think "are" is wrong.)

Solution 1:

As you've deduced, you need to use "are" since the subject is plural.

The contents of those zip files are normally installed from the setup.

Solution 2:

It's are but your example tricked me at first. I mistakenly thought it was because of files and not because of contents.

The contents of the zip file are normally installed from the Setup.

Is also correct.

"of the zip file" is a prepositional phrase in this scenario, which can be removed from the sentence to test the grammar.

The contents are normally installed from the Setup.