How to use Ffmpeg to convert wma to mp3 recursively, importing from txt file?
This is the command I use for ffmpeg all the files in the current directory (works if names have spaces in them) on Mac where brew doesn't have avconv:
for file in *.wma; do ffmpeg -i "${file}" -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192k "${file/.wma/.mp3}"; done
In a terminal, first browse to the folder that contains all of your music using cd
, for example:
cd /home/username/music/wma-to-convert
The following will make a list of all files in the current folder and all subfolders ending in "wma" and store the list in a text document called wma-files.txt
find . -type f | grep wma$ > wma-files.txt
Or you could create the text file manually if you want. Then type the following in a text editor and save it in the same directory of wma-files.txt
, for example naming it conv-script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
readarray -t files < wma-files.txt
for file in "${files[@]}"; do
probe=`avprobe -show_streams "$file" 2>/dev/null`
rate=`echo "$probe" | grep "^bit_rate" | sed "s:.*=\(.*\)[0-9][0-9][0-9][.].*:\1:" | head -1`
ffmpeg -i "$file" -ab "$rate"k "$out"
You probably have to set the executable bit on the script:
chmod +x conv-script
Then just run it:
You also have the option of adding this to the end of the ffmpeg
line, but be careful:
&& rm "$file"
For those who don't have access to avprobe, you can use ffprobe which does the equivalent (i.e. getting the bit_rate). To do that:
probe=`avprobe -show_streams "$file" 2>/dev/null`
rate=`echo "$probe" | grep "^bit_rate" | sed "s:bit_rate=\([0-9]\+\)[0-9]\{3\}:\1:" | head -1`
rate=`ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=bit_rate -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$file"`
Once this is done, all your files should start converting and the wma originals should get deleted! This worked great for me converting flac files to mp3. Unfortunately I don't have any wma to test, but I expect it should do fine for those as well.
NOTE: While I don't foresee any problems, it would be a good idea to copy a few files to a new directory and test it on them.
If you plan to often convert Wma to mp3, the below script automatically convert and delete everything in the folder given as an argument, It improves a bit the above-mentioned. In addition, the ffmpeg command is a bit different than the first proposed, if the first one does not work, use the below one.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd "$1"
find . type f | grep wma$ > wma-files.txt
readarray -t files < wma-files.txt
for file in "${files[@]}"; do
ffmpeg -i "$file" -map_metadata 0:s:0 $out"
rm wma-files.txt
Then, you simply call it by typing in you terminal as:
./convScript /home/username/music
Thus, all the music folder and its subfolders will have its wma music automatically converted in mp3.
As before, you can add this to end of the ffmpeg
line for file removal:
&& rm "$file"
EDIT (2017/06/23): don't make rm
the default
For any version
I found a neat way to do this with mplayer. This script will rename the files to remove all blank spaces in the names of the files and will recursively convert all .wma files in the current directory to .mp3:
for f in *.wma; do
newname=`echo $f | tr ' ' '_' `
mv "$f" $newname
mplayer $f -novideo -ao pcm:file=tmp.wav
lame -V 0 -q 0 tmp.wav ${f/.wma/.mp3}
rm -f tmp.wav
Here's a one liner version:
for f in *.wma; do; newname=`echo $f | tr ' ' '_' `; mv "$f" $newname; f=$newname; mplayer $f -novideo -ao pcm:file=tmp.wav; lame -V 0 -q 0 tmp.wav ${f/.wma/.mp3}; rm -f tmp.wav; done
I rewrite TheSchwa script (thanks TheSchwa!), with these changes:
- avprobe detection works (at least on ffprobe version 2.5.2 from current Debian unstable).
- Don't delete files with
(convertors usually don't delete files, this can be a big surprise!). - Load wma files in script.
- Help when missing binaries.
which ffmpeg > /dev/null || { echo "Install ffmpeg, with 'sudo apt-get install ffmpeg'" >&2; exit 1; }
which avprobe > /dev/null || { echo "Install libav-tools, with 'sudo apt-get install libav-tools'" >&2; exit 1; }
find . -type f | grep -i wma$ > $file
readarray -t files < $file
for file in "${files[@]}"; do
probe=`avprobe -show_streams "$file" 2>/dev/null`
rate=`echo "$probe" | grep "^bit_rate" | sed "s:bit_rate=\([0-9]\+\)[0-9]\{3\}:\1:" | head -1`
ffmpeg -i "$file" -ab "$rate"k "$out"