C# Determine Duplicate in List [duplicate]

Requirement: In an unsorted List, determine if a duplicate exists. The typical way I would do this is an n-squared nested loop. I'm wondering how others solve this. Is there an elegant, high performance method in Linq? Something generic that takes a lambda or a comparer would be nice.

Solution 1:

Unless I'm missing something, then you should be able to get away with something simple using Distinct(). Granted it won't be the most complex implementation you could come up with, but it will tell you if any duplicates get removed:

var list = new List<string>();

// Fill the list

if(list.Count != list.Distinct().Count())
     // Duplicates exist

Solution 2:

According to Eric White's article on how to Find Duplicates using LINQ:

An easy way to find duplicates is to write a query that groups by the identifier, and then filter for groups that have more than one member. In the following example, we want to know that 4 and 3 are duplicates:

int[] listOfItems = new[] { 4, 2, 3, 1, 6, 4, 3 };
var duplicates = listOfItems
    .GroupBy(i => i)
    .Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
    .Select(g => g.Key);
foreach (var d in duplicates)
    Console.WriteLine(d); // 4,3

Solution 3:

In order to allow short circuiting if the duplicate exists early in the list, you can add a HashSet<T> and check the return value of its .Add method.

By using .Any you can short circuit the enumeration as soon as you find a duplicate.

Here's a LINQ extension method in both C# and VB:


public static bool ContainsDuplicates<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
    var knownKeys = new HashSet<T>();
    return enumerable.Any(item => !knownKeys.Add(item));

Visual Basic:

Public Function ContainsDuplicates(Of T)(ByVal enumerable As IEnumerable(Of T)) As Boolean
    Dim knownKeys As New HashSet(Of T)
    Return enumerable.Any(Function(item) Not knownKeys.Add(item))
End Function

Note: to check if there are no duplicates, just change Any to All

Solution 4:

Place all items in a set and if the count of the set is different from the count of the list then there is a duplicate.

bool hasDuplicates<T>(List<T> myList) {
    var hs = new HashSet<T>();

    for (var i = 0; i < myList.Count; ++i) {
        if (!hs.Add(myList[i])) return true;
    return false;

Should be more efficient than Distinct as there is no need to go through all the list.

Solution 5:

Something along these lines is relatively simple and will provide you with a count of duplicates.

var something = new List<string>() { "One", "One", "Two", "Three" };

var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, int>();

something.ForEach(s =>
        if (dictionary.ContainsKey(s))
            dictionary[s] = 1;

I imagine this is similar to the implementation of Distinct, although I'm not certain.