What’s the word for doing/learning something in the moment although we aren’t good at it? [closed]

We just have to do it because the situation demands so

I'd suggest improvise

verb (used with object), im·pro·vised, im·pro·vis·ing.
to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation; extemporize: to improvise an acceptance speech.
to compose, play, recite, or sing (verse, music, etc.) on the spur of the moment.
to make, provide, or arrange from whatever materials are readily available: We improvised a dinner from yesterday's leftovers.

verb (used without object), im·pro·vised, im·pro·vis·ing. to compose, utter, execute, or arrange anything extemporaneously: When the actor forgot his lines he had to improvise.

In school if we hadn't studied for an exam we used the phrase (idiom) to wing it: I'll just have to wing it and hope for the best.


To wing it is an idiom that means to improvise, to do something without proper preparation or time to rehearse. People often talk about winging it when they have to do something difficult that they didn’t have time to prepare — like a make speech or give a presentation. They might say something like "Sorry if I seem a bit disorganized, I’m totally winging it." You tell people that you’re winging it, that you’re improvising, so that they won’t expect too much from you, or so that they will be more forgiving if you make a mistake.