vba paste not working

Solution 1:

The reason it fails on that line of code is that there is no Paste method for the Range object.

There are 2 ways to copy paste.

1) Send a value to the Destination parameter in the Copy method. You then don't need a Paste command: wb.Sheets("Answers_Source").Range("h1:z160").Copy _ Destination := wb2.Sheets("Answers").Range("h1:z160")

2) Use the PasteSpecial method on the destination range after copying, which by default pastes everything, like a standard paste.


Then to stop the Marquee (or marching ants) around the cell you copied, finish with Application.CutCopyMode = False

Solution 2:

Try removing these With which anyway make no sense in the context.

   'do copy from reference "Answers_Source" worksheet

   'now paste the formulas into the student exam workbook