Node js deployement in Azure server could not be accesses outside using ip

I tried deploying a simple node js service in azure ubuntu using CLI,console logs says the server is up on port 8080(this same service works perfectly in my local machine),but when i tried to access the public ip from outside,it gives site can't be reached

Following was the output when i deployed my service

azureuser@myVM:~/drugdemo/user_service/drulistService$ vi server.js
azureuser@myVM:~/drugdemo/user_service/drulistService$ node server.js
App is listening on 8080
azureuser@myVM:~/drugdemo/user_service/drulistService$ pm2 start server.js
[PM2] Starting 
/home/azureuser/drugdemo/user_service/drulistService/server.js in fork_mode (1 instance)
[PM2] Done.

 Use `pm2 show <id|name>` to get more details about an app

Please help me with your suggections. (I already tried changing 'localhost' to '' and '' but didn't work for me)

Thank you in advance

Solution 1:

Make sure to open the firewall port via Azure as well and not just the server.

This may help: