Where does Google Chrome save LocalStorage from Extensions?

Looks like it's %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage.

This looks about right...
(click for larger version)

As an update, the folder in the marked answer was no longer working for me. First I found out where the folder my Chrome profile was being stored by going to chrome://version and opening the location for Profile Path.

Once there, the local storage items I set in my location were stored in:

\Local Extension Settings\__extensionID__

On Mac OS X it's stored in your Chrome user profile directory:

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/<user-profile>/Local Storage/

commonly, the default with only one profile, that is:

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local Storage/

Update: Thanks to @Barmar's comment that this has changed.

LocalStorage is now saved in the leveldb subdirectory as a set of .ldb files. The default path is now:

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Local Storage/leveldb

On my system the leveldb directory was created on Oct 8 2017 which is about a month after the 61.0.3163 release.

Some data from the extensions can be found in Local Storage folders (for each profile), these files have .localstorage/.localstorage-journal extensions and are in SQLite format. However, it's best to back up all files within Local Storage folder. See: How do I open `.localstorage` files from Local Storage folder?

Some other data are stored in LevelDB format under IndexedDB folders (for each profile). The file extension is .ldb, however, all files are needed from the *.indexeddb.leveldb folders in order to have consistent data.

See also:

  • How can I modify data stored by Chrome extensions?
  • What embedded database format is used by this Chrome extension?
  • What is store in Local Storage used for in Chrome?
  • How to access Google Chrome's IndexedDB/LevelDB files?