Are articles exactly even required for English language? [closed]

My native language is Finnish that doesn't exactly have articles. It has never felt like limitation. This why it has been hard to understand why there is need for the articles. I feel like I'm just using huge amount of time for trying to remember grammar rules. Like when to use articles and when to not while not gaining any benefit from it.


Obviously, I understand that the rules say they must be there (Because I already said so). My question is this:

  • What bang do speakers get for their buck in English, for using articles—when so many languages don't have them at all?

Solution 1:

English usage has grown up around articles and their use. Articles currently serve to distinguish between various synonyms and nouns in general. They serve the purpose and would be tough to replace. In Scotland they may speak English with a great economy of articles but I do not know why.

You might tell us how in Finnish you would distinguish between going to see Queen, the band, and going to see the Queen, the ruler of England, as the comments suggest. Or even explain how one could aspire to be a queen vs the Queen. This is not to be accusatory or snarky, I have great respect for the Nordic languages but cannot imagine how it would be done without articles or similar syntactic furniture. I imagine a fleet of idioms coming into play perhaps.