How to say "She/He is my girlfriend/boyfriend" without the possessive "my" [closed]

Is there a way to indicate that somebody is your girlfriend without using the possessive term my? I think saying She/He is my partner/other half is OK for married people, but it doesn't feel right for girlfriends and boyfriends.

There is nothing wrong with using my. Saying my medical appointment does not mean the medical appointment belongs to me, but just that it is connected to me in some way. Stick to my for there is no alternative which expresses the idea succinctly.

What you say is “I am her boyfriend”, which most of the time is more true.

Simply use we:

We are partners.

We are seeing each other exclusively.

We are boyfriend and girlfriend. (If you really need to spell it out...)

You could keep the possessive but drop the objectifying label of girlfriend (but only if you're ready to get serious, yknow?)

She's is my everything. She is my reason for waking up in the morning. She is the best thing that ever happened to me.

In the above, you've replaced "girlfriend/sweetie/main squeeze", which as nouns suggest ownership, with descriptive phrases where you are owning your feelings instead.

Personally, I'd go with just "my girlfriend." Sometimes it's nice to feel like someone is all yours.