How to define build-args in docker-compose?

Solution 1:

You can specify the arguments directly in your docker-compose file:

    build: node1
            ADMIN_USERNNAME: weblogic1
            ADMIN_PASSWORD: weblogic1
            ADMIN_NAME: admin1
    image: node1
    container_name: node1

See the official docs for details.

Solution 2:

You can define your args with your build command of docker-compose.

Example Dockerfile:

FROM nginx:1.13

RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get install -y \
    apache2-utils && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*

ARG username
ARG password

RUN htpasswd -bc /etc/nginx/.htpasswd $username $password

docker-compose file:

version: '3'
     build: ./dir

The ./dir contains the Dockerfile and I build with this command:

docker-compose build --build-arg username="my-user" --build-arg password="my-pass"

I see already:

Step 5/5 : RUN htpasswd -bc /etc/nginx/.htpasswd $username $password
 ---> Running in 80735195e35d
Adding password for user my-user
 ---> c52c92556825

I bring my stack up:

docker-compose up -d

Now I can check inside the nginx container and my username and (encrypted) password are there:

docker@default:~/test$ docker exec -it test_node1_1 bash
root@208e4d75e2bd:/# cat /etc/nginx/.htpasswd

Using this method your able to pass build args to your docker-compose stack.