How to get all groups that a user is a member of?

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership will do this.

Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership username | select name

Domain Users
Domain Computers
Workstation Admins
Company Users
Company Developers

Single line, no modules necessary, uses current logged user:

(New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher("(&(objectCategory=User)(samAccountName=$($env:username)))")).FindOne().GetDirectoryEntry().memberOf

Kudos to this vbs/powershell article:

A more concise alternative to the one posted by Canoas, to get group membership for the currently-logged-on user.

I came across this method in this blog post:


An even better version which uses a regex to strip the LDAP guff and leaves the group names only:

([ADSISEARCHER]"samaccountname=$($env:USERNAME)").Findone().Properties.memberof -replace '^CN=([^,]+).+$','$1'

More details about using the [ADSISEARCHER] type accelerator can be found on the scripting guy blog:

Old school way from CMD:

net user mst999 /domain 

(GET-ADUSER –Identity USERNAME –Properties MemberOf | Select-Object MemberOf).MemberOf