Is there a word that describes people who are extraverted and/or energetic, but uneducated, unintelligent and/or uncreative?


From Wiktionary (2019):

Lacking subtlety or sophistication

For example:

Joe is friendly, but he's simple-minded, so the things he has to say aren't very interesting.

Logically, unsophisticated might be an alternative as well:

Maybe it's just me being unsophisticated, but I feel like you are making the situation more thorny than it needs to be.

I feel like that being simple-minded is more of a innate characteristic while being unsophisticated comes more from a lack of experience.

Hence, I believe that calling yourself simple-minded is more factual than judgemental. Whereas saying someone is unsophisticated could mean that may not have put enough effort in studying. Both can be in insult depending on the situation.

Furthermore, I think of simple-minded being more of an extroverted characteristic in comparison to being unsophisticated.

You may be looking for shallow:

(2) not exhibiting, requiring, or capable of serious thought.

Synonyms include:

superficial, facile, glib, simplistic, oversimplified, insubstantial, empty, trivial, trifling; frivolous, foolish, silly, unintelligent, unthinking, unscholarly, ignorant

Superficial may also work,

(3) lacking depth of character or understanding.

Or facile:

(1) ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial.

  • (of a person) having a superficial or simplistic knowledge or approach.

All definitions from Lexico

"Impetuous", "boisterous" and "unruly" come close, but don't quite fit the second example. "Obstreperous" is great for the second, but not good for the first.

If you're writing entirely for a technical audience who are familiar with Freud's definitions of the id, ego, and superego, there are some fine words, but in more everyday use words like "idiotic" and "egotistical" carry much too much baggage.

"Stupid" actually works well in both examples, but technically it means the opposite to extroverted and energetic.