Is there a word that describes someone with a light footprint? [duplicate]

I need a word to describe someone who lives a happy, purposeful life without needing a lot of resources. The words "light footprint" and "low maintenance" come to mind, but I'd like a word/adjectival phrase that doesn't sound so modern.

Solution 1:

The question is I need a word (adjective) to describe someone who lives a happy, purposeful life without needing a lot of resources

Before the days of buzz words and trendy phrases we would have just said

they lived a simple life. or had a simple life style

In fact this was a very clever use of the word simple Cambridge English Dictionary as simple can be used as an adjective to describe multiple things: easy, plain and natural, being among them, all of which would be relative in this case.

He was just a simple fisherman.

Note Jesus was described as just a simple fisherman to portray exactly this meaning.

Solution 2:

As in:

She has a gentle, unassuming manner. TDF


Exhibiting no pretensions, boastfulness, or ostentation; modest.