Meaning of the expression 'Handsome of' [closed]

Solution 1:

handsome. TFD

In the sense of:

  • Appropriate or fitting: a handsome location for the new school.

  • Large in amount or measure; generous or considerable: a handsome reward; won by a handsome margin.

'Handsome of' in a sentence: from the OED

E. Burke Corr. The Tories are very eager to congratulate. It was not handsome of them to condole on the ill-successes of last year.


  • and Seward himself wrote him a very handsome tribute.

  • She wasn't actually groveling in the dust,..but it was a handsome apology.

Your stated usage of 'handsome of' is not grammatical. Better would be:

... earn a handsome (amount, quantity etc) of money as perks

... a handsome amount is spent