How can I share Tampermonkey scripts between versions of Chrome?

You can use your Google account to sync scripts. (This is only in Beta yet)

Step1: Log into your Google account in the Google Chrome browser enter image description here

Step2: Go into Tampermonkey Dashboard, then into Settings and change the "Config mode" to "Advanced". enter image description here

Step3: Enable "Tesla" and choose "Chrome Sync"

enter image description here

As on v4.8.41, Go into Tampermonkey Dashboard, then into Settings and change the "Config mode" to "Beginner" or "Advanced".

  • Go to Script Sync (6th option)
  • Tick Enable Script Sync
  • Choose Google Drive as Type
  • Click Sync

Synchronize scripts that are downloadable from a Webserver.
Just set the config mode to beginner or advanced, enable TESLA.
Set the mode to chrome sync and login with chrome to your Google account.