Idioms: Should it be " the internet is a seemingly infinite well of information" or "the internet is a seemingly infinite wealth of information"

The title says it all. I have heard the phrase used either way, but "well" makes more sense to me. My editor and I are both at a stalemate with this one.

Solution 1:

"Wealth of information" is a (somewhat) commonly used idiom, as compared to "Well of information".

As per the Cambridge dictionary, one of the meanings of wealth (in Business English) is given as:

a large amount of something good:

a wealth of data/detail/information The website gives a wealth of data on a company's stock.

He brings a wealth of industry experience to his new position.

Solution 2:

I think 'wealth' is the most appropriate choice, for the reasons already given, but I question the use of 'is' as the verb - "is ... a wealth" doesn't sound right. It would be better to say 'provides us with' or 'affords us'. Maybe you should consider changing the verb or finding another word altogether, such as 'fount', 'source', or 'wellspring'.