Listing devices connected in hotspot through terminal

I connect my hotspot through ap-hotspot and I can see the notifications pop out displaying new device connected , device disconnected. (Because I want to learn about privileges for access to use or not use the hotspot.)

How can I list the device connected through terminal?

Solution 1:

arp -a should return you a list of all connected devices.

Solution 2:

If you want a more detailed list, I adapted this script for the ap-hotspot script that comes from webupd8:


# Shows MAC, IP address and any hostname info for all connected wifi devices
# written for openwrt 12.09 Attitude Adjustment
# modified by [email protected] from

echo    "# All connected wifi devices, with IP address,"
echo    "# hostname (if available), and MAC address."
printf  "# %-20s %-30s %-20s\n" "IP address" "lease name" "MAC address"
# list all wireless network interfaces 
# (for MAC80211 driver; see wiki article for alternative commands)
for interface in `iw dev | grep Interface | cut -f 2 -s -d" "`
  # for each interface, get mac addresses of connected stations/clients
  maclist=`iw dev $interface station dump | grep Station | cut -f 2 -s -d" "`
  # for each mac address in that list...
  for mac in $maclist
    # If a DHCP lease has been given out by dnsmasq,
    # save it.
    ip=`cat $leasefile | cut -f 2,3,4 -s -d" " | grep $mac | cut -f 2 -s -d" "`
    host=`cat $leasefile | cut -f 2,3,4 -s -d" " | grep $mac | cut -f 3 -s -d" "`
    # ... show the mac address:
    printf "  %-20s %-30s %-20s\n" "$ip" "$host" "$mac"

copy it in a file in your PATH --- for example ~/bin/show_wifi_clients, make it executable with chmod +x, and enjoy.

Solution 3:

Show a list of devices: (replace <interface> with the interface name of your wifi interface)

iw dev <interface> station dump

If you don't know the name of your wifi interface, use this command to find out the interface name:

iw dev