How to convert String to Int in Kotlin?

I am working on a console application in Kotlin where I accept multiple arguments in main() function

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // validation & String to Integer conversion

I want to check whether the String is a valid integer and convert the same or else I have to throw some exception.

How can I resolve this?

Solution 1:

You could call toInt() on your String instances:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    for (str in args) {
        try {
            val parsedInt = str.toInt()
            println("The parsed int is $parsedInt")
        } catch (nfe: NumberFormatException) {
            // not a valid int

Or toIntOrNull() as an alternative:

for (str in args) {
    val parsedInt = str.toIntOrNull()
    if (parsedInt != null) {
        println("The parsed int is $parsedInt")
    } else {
        // not a valid int

If you don't care about the invalid values, then you could combine toIntOrNull() with the safe call operator and a scope function, for example:

for (str in args) {
    str.toIntOrNull()?.let {
        println("The parsed int is $it")

Solution 2:

Actually, there are several ways:


var numberString : String = "numberString" 
// number is the int value of numberString (if any)
var defaultValue : Int    = defaultValue

Then we have:

Operation Numeric value Non-numeric value
numberString.toInt() number NumberFormatException
numberString.toIntOrNull() number null
numberString.toIntOrNull() ?: defaultValue number defaultValue

If numberString is a valid integer, we get number, else see a result in column Non-numeric value.

Solution 3:

val i = "42".toIntOrNull()

Keep in mind that the result is nullable as the name suggests.

Solution 4:

As suggested above, use toIntOrNull().

Parses the string as an [Int] number and returns the result or null if the string is not a valid representation of a number.

val a = "11".toIntOrNull()   // 11
val b = "-11".toIntOrNull()  // -11
val c = "11.7".toIntOrNull() // null
val d = "11.0".toIntOrNull() // null
val e = "abc".toIntOrNull()  // null
val f = null?.toIntOrNull()  // null