how many semantically different boolean functions are there for n boolean variables?
Solution 1:
This question, in a sense, is a question of combinations.
We can start with a single-valued function of Boolean variables. I claim that there are $2^n$ combinations of a single-valued function. For instance, if we start with one variable, there are two combinations; namely, $a$ and $\neg a$. If we have two variables, there are four combinations. This is because we can have, for $a$, either $a$ or $\neg a$. Then, for $b$, we can have either $b$ or $\neg b$. So there are four combinations between these two variables. Similarly, for three variables, there are $2 \times 2 \times 2=2^3$ combinations between these variables.
Now, to consider the set of ALL Boolean functions, we have to consider again each of these combinations. We can say that there are $2^\text{combinations}$ different combinations between Boolean variables. This is because, for each combination, it can be true or false. So in the paragraph above, we have stated that there are $2^n$ combinations between the variables. Each of these combinations can be true or false for a particular variable assignment. So, again, we get $2^\text{combinations} = 2^{(2^n)}$ combinations between them all.
Solution 2:
Let's reverse-engineer this: In the case of $n=2$ there are $2^{(2^n)}=2^4=16$ distinct functions: $F0...F15$. Below you can find the resulting truth table. Each column represents the outcome for function $F0...F15$
$F0(0,0) = 0$
$F0(0,1) = 0$ ....
A B| F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
0 0| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1| 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 0| 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 1| 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
A B| F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 F15
0 0| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1| 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
1 0| 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
1 1| 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
To verify why there are 16 distinct functions, we start with our first function $F0$ which maps any given pair $(A,B)$ to $FALSE$. For the next function $F1$ it is sufficient to differ at only one position in order to be become distinct from $F0$ $=>F1(A=1,B=1)=1$. The same is true for $F2$ with regard to $F1$ and so forth. Finally we arrive at $F15$ which becomes distinct from $F14$ by simply mapping all inputs to TRUE.
Let's also do the math:
How many different ways can you pick k items from n items set with repetition ( $k=2$ $n=2$ )? $n^k$ = $2^2=4$. There are 4 ways to form a pair $(A,B)$ hence $F(A,B)$ yields also 4 outcomes $k1,k2,k3,k4$. How many different ways can you pick k items from n items set with repetition ( $k=4$ $n=2$ )? $n^k$ = $2^4=(2^{(2^2)})=16$. Thus 16 semantically different boolean functions.
See the respective function names and symbols below. (Source:
function symbol name
F1 A ^ B AND
F3 A A
F5 B B
F6 A xor B XOR
F7 A v B OR
F8 A nor B NOR
F10 !B NOT B
F11 A v !B A OR NOT B
F12 !A NOT A
F13 !A v B NOT A OR B
F14 A nand B NAND
F15 1 TRUE
Solution 3:
Think about the truth table, say for a concrete $n$ like $n=3$. There are $2^3$ sequences of length $3$ made up of $0$'s and/or $1$'s. More generally, there are $2^n$ sequences of $0$'s and/or $1$'s of length $n$.
To make a Boolean function, for each of these sequences, we can independently choose the value of our function at the sequence.
Thus there are $2^{(2^n)}$ Boolean functions of $n$ variables.
Solution 4:
Here let me add my part. Consider we are having two logic variables a and b. These two variables may be 0 or 1. So the total possibilities are
a | b
0 | 0 = a'b'
0 | 1 = a'b
1 | 0 = a b'
1 | 1 = a b
___2__ X __2__ = 4 possibilities
0 or 1 0 or 1
Now its time to find total number of functions for 2 variables!...We found 4 terms for 2 variables in above example, isn't it? So for A Equation or Function may contain any number of 4 terms that we have found above. Like this
a'b' + a'b - contain two terms
a b' - contain single term
a'b' + a'b + a b - contain three terms
a'b' + a'b + ab' + a b - contain four terms (maximum possibilities)
So the total combination(count) of functions for 2 variables are
_______2_______ X _______2_______ X _______2_______ X _______2_______ = 16 possibilities
term or no term term or no term term or no term term or no term
- - - - = 0(false)
ab - - - = ab
- a'b - - = a'b
- - ab' - = ab'
- - - a'b' = a'b'
ab a'b - - = ab + a'b
- a'b ab' - = a'b + ab'
- - ab' a'b' = ab' + a'b'
ab - ab' - = ab + ab'
ab - - a'b' = ab + a'b'
..... //some more possible combinations like this, ( to lazy to type it;) )
and finally it would be like
ab a'b ab' a'b' = 1 (True)
So The combination(count) of functions that can be formed by n variables is 2^2n
n = 2
2 ^ 2*2 = 16