Are there any alternatives to the pair of words "referrer" and "referee"? [closed]

Solution 1:

Perhaps "referrer" and "recruit"? It moves you away from the -er/-ee problem that might confound non-native English speakers. The words look different enough to be easily distinguishable (which, I would think, is a huge potential pitfall of using referrer/referred). It avoids the confusion "referral" might create when trying to discuss the person receiving the code vs the code/act itself.

Recruit also speaks to the tentative nature of the transaction- B may or may not use the code to create an account (redeemer and affiliate imply a completed transaction). Sponsor implies a level of ongoing connection and responsibility that probably doesn't apply. But as a recruit, B will always be the person A tried to get to join and thus attached to them in that specific way.

Solution 2:

Clarifications to the question have now enabled me to come up with some terminology.

There are two words that I'd use. The definitions come from Merriam-Webster.


1 : the act of referring or consulting
4 : one referred to or consulted: such as
b : a statement of the qualifications of a person seeking employment or appointment given by someone familiar with the person

What's useful about this is that a reference can be not only a person but also a thing. For instance, when people apply for access to something, one of the questions frequently asked is How did you hear about us? or Who or what was your reference?

A reference can be the source of information about the service (referrer), but it can also be used in the sense of a guarantor—somebody who can vouch for the person who wants access to a particular service. Many job applications require that you provide contact information for three references.

There's no reason why multiple references or reference types couldn't be defined.


: one who applies
// a job applicant

The applicant is the person actually applying for an account on the system.

This may not be an automated process, and the references of the applicant may need to be checked before the application is approved.